Acclimatized and ready to journey forth, the team reported two fantastic days in the ice fields of the Yukon. Sunday, they managed to bring up the cache to the top of the Southeast ridge of Mt. Steele at 12200ft (3719 m), about 1800 to 2000ft from advance basecamp. A stellar climb with crampons was in the books, despite one crevasse fall for Pascale near the top, to just the tip of her thigh. She managed to head back downslope, before Lonnie discovered a huge crevasse which the two belayed across successfully.
Cold but clear, yesterday was the biggest day yet. Dupre and Marceau took advantage of the prime climbing conditions to carry up three loads of food, and two thirds of the gear. They found a safe place on the ridge to set camp after being held back by ice fog, leaving visibility shoddy at best.
Today, the duo will retrieve their last cache, with plans to sit tight Wednesday and Thursday as they wait out a wind storm of up to 30 mph/50 kph, bringing chills as low as -58F/-50C.
With lighter weight and strategic steps, they will continue venturing over the ridge, optimistic about the plan of Steele. Lucania still remains an option, if timing lends itself to the journey.
Photo: Pascale enjoys the views from the Southeast ridge of Steele. Sent via Globalstar SatFi.
Tune in to the latest audio update from their cozy Hilleberg the Tentmaker 'hotel':
Photo in video courtesy of John Ostashek, Rocking Star Adventures.
See their SPOT location from last night's camp:
Lucania - A Frigid First
Latitude: 60.99195 Longitude: -140.15871 GPS location Date/Time: 01/22/2018 16:54:54 AKST Message: All OK Click the link below to see where I am located.
If the above link does not work, try this link:,-140.15871&ll=60.99195,-140.15871&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 Ready for Adventure