The Project
It will be the 20 year anniversary since Dupre and John Hoelscher completed the first and only circumnavigation of Greenland in 2001; a 6,500-mile journey all non-motorized by dog team and kayak.

We will re-visit polar Inuit friends and villages to find out how their culture has changed as a result of climate change and modernization over the last two decades.
The team will travel by dog team over frozen fjords to Inuit villages and hunting grounds.
To round out the Greenland story, we are focusing on two key areas of Greenland. The first and most prominent location will be the land of the Polar Inuit in northwest Greenland. The second area is an extremely remote place in Southeast Greenland called Kangerlussuaq.

To create a feature documentary film and photo essay that will tell their story and pay homage to the Inuit people, unsung heroes of countless Arctic expeditions and pioneers of ingenuity to create rich lives. Their innovation through trial and error and their creative ways of improvising has always amazed Lonnie on past expeditions.
The Impact
Through this documentary, we aim to educate people about this little known place and culture. To convey the beauty that Greenland is and the humble people that carved out special lives in a land of snow and ice. By giving folks a glimpse of the Polar Inuit culture, we hope to make it dear in others' hearts too.
We will produce a feature-length documentary and photo-essay book that share with the world the importance of Greenland’s ice, its people, and its fragility.