Dec 22, 2016
Nat Geo Features Dupre: The Power of One Person to Change the World
"The quest for knowledge about our past, present, and future has never been more important, particularly in a world increasingly changed...

Dec 20, 2016
Expedition Cold Hunter One Launches!
Mount Hunter (14,573 ft) is the steepest and most technical of the three great peaks in Denali National Park. It is also known as the...

May 1, 2016
Begguya Expedition: Day 08 Mt. Hunter Base
Sorry for the delay in posting. We just received word from the Begguya team. All is well. They arrived to the base of Hunter after a long...

Apr 30, 2016
Begguya Expedition Day 07: Storm
The team has been confronted with a tough decision just days away from the summit due to a storm moving in. Listen below for more...

Apr 27, 2016
Begguya Expedition: Day 04 Mount Hunter Advanced Basecamp
The team called in via their Globalstar satellite phone last night just before dinner. All is well. Listen below to the latest from the...